A Concrete Help to Restart

More than a year after the devastating flood that struck our region, Emilia-Romagna, we want to share an initiative that deeply involved us and allowed us to stand by the affected population during the emergency.

In June 2023, in response to these disastrous events, we decided to allocate 2% of the value of the orders received in June to purchase household appliances to support people and families who had suffered significant damage. Thanks to the collaboration of friends and acquaintances, we were able to identify and help 41 families in Faenza, Lugo, Cesena, and Ravenna.

United for Romagna

Each delivery was an opportunity to meet those who had lived through those difficult moments, listen to their stories, and witness the strength and courage they showed while facing the reconstruction.

The resilience shown by these people taught us a great lesson: they found the strength to react and face the future with confidence and hope.

Below is the article from Ravenna24ore.it (July 12, 2023).

https://www.ravenna24ore.it/notizie/economia-lavor Luglio o/2023/07/12/rm-srl-un-aiuto-concreto-dopo-lalluvione-in-emilia-romagna/